I promised a while back I would do a post on Fluoride and it’s harmful effects.  Some may think these views may be extreme and controversial. However, the majority have zero awareness on the topic so on that note I will be shedding some light on it and you can make your own choice.

Fluoride can be found in tap water, bottled water, toothpastes, mouth rinses, flouride vitamins and much more. Dentists recommend you use fllouride enriched products to help build strong teeth and prevent tooth decay.  Keep in mind this is something that is being ingested into our body. Whether we/or our kids swallow too much toothpaste, drink flouridated water, juices etc it is getting into our system.  Now some may say only a small amount gets ingested.  The questions is not the amount, the issue is doing it over a long period of time.  What is the effect then ?

Flouride is not an essential vitamin. People cannot be fluoride deficient.  The masses are being medicated through drinking water, toothpastes etc without being informed on what they are being given and without concent.  We are made to believe it is for our own good.  There is much attention and focus on fluoride and our health when instead of promoting it governments should be enforcing every child be given vitamins at school, or something of that nature where it is actually causing good instead of harm.  I guess there is no money in “good health”.

If something is harming us why are we being given it? Sounds like a crazy conspiracy eh! Well no matter how bizare a conspiracy may sound there is always some truth to it. (Note by Andrew Saul: Fluoridation of water owes its continued existence more to politics than to science.  If safety and effectiveness are truly considered, fluoride would be questionable even as a prescription drug.  But to freely add it to public water supplies, often without any public vote whatsoever, is far beyond questionable.  Mr. Meiers’ discussion of the dangers of fluoride is important reading.)

Most of western Europe has rejected fluoridation on the grounds that it is unsafe. In 1971, after 11 years of testing, Sweden’s Nobel Medical Institute recommended against fluoridation, and the process was banned. The Netherlands outlawed the practice in 1976, after 23 years of tests. France decided against it after consulting with its Pasteur Institute and West Germany, now Germany, rejected the practice because the recommended dosage of 1 ppm was “too close to the dose at which long-term damage to the human body is to be expected.” Dr. Lee sums it up: “All of western Europe, except one or two test towns in Spain, has abandoned fluoride as a public health plan. It is not put in the water anywhere. They all established test cities and found that the benefits did not occur and the toxicity was evident.”From Rense.com/health/fluoride1.htm.

This explains why in the UK almost all of bottled water contain ZERO fluoride! Why is it that in the middle east it is the opposite! The few that don’t contain fluoride that I am aware of are Masafi and Al ain (UAE).

Did you know that if you have a bowl of cereal with milk and then a coke you have “exceeded” your fluoride intake.

Q. I heard fluoride is a poison. Is this true?
A. Yes. Fluoride is an acute toxin with a rating [4 – very toxic] higher than that of lead [3 to 4, moderately to very toxic].
From Bruha.com

Q. Does fluoride accumulate in the body?
A. Yes. About half of each day’s fluoride intake will be retained. This is what makes it so dangerous. “The dose makes the poison”. All sides agree to the fact that healthy kidneys can eliminate only about 50% of daily fluoride intake. The rest gets absorbed in calcified tissues, like bones and teeth. The National Academy Of Sciences (NAS) stated in 1977 that, for the average individual, a retention of 2mg/day would result in crippling skeletal fluorosis after 40 years.
From Bruha.com

Q. How can my dentist say that Fluoride’s good for my teeth?
A. By receiving limited training on the subject and being misinformed on purpose by the ADA and CDA. Figures in ADA pamphlets contain an incredible amount of untruths, and outright fraudulent claims. If you check the references cited and numbers listed in your local libraries, you will come to the same conclusion. Most dentists never bother to take the time to study both sides of the fluoride issue. Consider this statement by the ADA in 1979: “Individual dentists must be convinced that they need not be familiar with scientific reports and field investigations on fluoridation to be effective participants and that non-participation is overt neglect of personal responsibility.” There are NO reliable studies, conducted under ethical research guidelines, which prove the benefits of fluoride supplementation. The FDA admits to this! And there are more than 500 peer-reviewed studies documenting the adverse effects of it!From Bruha.com

Studies indicate fluoride lowers the I.Q of children, in some cases even before the child is born. We now know fluoride has the ability to pass through placenta walls, inevitably damaging the brain of the fetus. Another common illness categorized by yellow spotted teeth which occurs from over exposure to fluoride is Dental Fluorosis. Attorney Paul Beeber claims, “Over one-third of United States school children are overexposed to fluoride.” This is an alarming number considering it could have been avoided in the first place. Other studies show fluoride interferes with DNA repair and enzyme activities. Yet even more frightening than the side effects discussed thus far, is the link between overexposure to fluoride and reduced I.Q’s. China has conducted over seven studies on the topic. They concluded test subjects I.Q’s in overexposed areas were drastically lower than their classmates I.Q’s in less concentrated areas, sometimes by 10%. Fluoride also adversely affects the bones and teeth, by building up deposits. It has also been known to interfere with hormones connected to our sleep cycle.(more)

Here are the side effects Flouride can cause:

* Diminished IQ in children

* Alzheimer’s disease

* Headache

* Effects endocrine function (hypothyroidism, or reduced activity of the thyroid gland-fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, muscle pains and heart disease

* Oral cancer

* Gum disease

* fluoride allergy include skin rashes, mouth lesions, headache, weakness, joint pain, gastric distress, fatigue and vision problems

* Reproductive effects

and much much more..

Did you know that we consume, almost 300% more than what the American Dental Association recommends. However, you can take steps to minimize your fluoride exposure.

Here is how:

* Did you know most processed food and juices contain Fluoride? another reason to make your own fresh juices and opt for fresh mushrooms rather than the canned ones.

* When cooking avoid using tap water to boil or cook your food in.  Use bottled water that does not contain fluoride to reduce

*Fluoride free toothpastes: aloe dent, tooth soap, Tom’s etc…

* When visiting the dentist ask that they do not use fluoride rinses, tablets etc and bring your own.

* Make your teas, coffees with bottled water

* Avoid processed food

*stop drinking sodas; why would fluoride need to be in that in the first place??

The evidence is there, so why do they keep adding fluoride to our drinking supply? I don’t think it started off where the side effects were so clear. I think back in the day they may have had good intentions for the general public’s health.  I will say that! However the evidence is clear now so why won’t they stop.  There is something bigger behind this. The only other thing which makes sense (yeah yeah conspiracy.. ) it is used as an anti-depressant to calm and balance the population. It was used for that reason in Russia to control the masses.  Who knows why governments do certain things? But one thing is for sure.. start educating yourself and take your health into your own hands.  Don’t believe propaganda of any kind (milk campaigns etc) research for yourself and know your own body.


5 Things You Need to Know About Fluoride

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/4388-need-fluoride/#ixzz17K7Pup7t






Fluoride is a Bioaccumulative Poison; 1,800 Professionals Call for End of Water Fluoridation


*images belong to withonebreath, natural news