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We used to only associate “placenta” to pregnant women, birth and babies.  Now there is placenta in Hollywood.  We’ve heard of the placenta facials and creams and the celeb following and raves about it.  Have you heard though of Placenta shampoo? Well I have heard of hair treatments to help hair growth using placenta so this seems like a natural progression to that.

This shampoo contains a placenta enzyme which makes her shiny and bouncy.  Cow and sheep placenta has been used in the formulations of this shampoo.

“Describing how her mother first introduced her to the natural extract as a child Huffington Post‘s Erica Cheung said:’My mother would take me to the kitchen, sit me on a bar stool and prepare a beauty concoction for my hair in a silverware spoon.

‘She would heat it over a flame (usually on the stove) and when the liquid was hot, but not boiling, she would distribute it over my chocolate brown hair, concentrating on the scalp.

‘The concoction consisted of almond oil, tomato juice and placenta. Yes, placenta — like afterbirth.

At the time, I didn’t realize that what my mom was putting in my hair came from a living thing’s uterus.

‘In all honesty, the placenta smelled really good and looked like vegetable oil. The bi-weekly event became a beauty ritual and I’ve used placenta my whole life because of it.

‘The memory of my mother lathering afterbirth all over my head is akin to other memories of her teaching me how to braid my hair or going to buy my first bra. It was all very normal to me!’ from the Daily Mail.

Would you try a placenta shampoo?


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